Physical Education

Students learn the importance of a mind-body fusion at the school's ongoing Athletics Program.  Students learn to physically excel. In this way, they learn to persevere, set goals to improve their fitness and to combine a drive to succeed with a sense of kindness and team spirit.  Some of the organized sports includes football, soccer and basketball.  The idea is to ensure that the students understand the importance of a mind-body fusion, that healthy bodies help spark active, effective minds.


The arts program at Esformes Hebrew Academy is an amazing blend of the visual arts, art history, technology and construction. Each class is challenged with a design problem and must creatively brainstorm to develop artistic skills as well as self expression.  Art classes have been designed to reflect the teaching in the Language Arts, History and Science classes. Mosaics  to Modern Art, sculptures, paper collage, painting and sketching are all incorporated into this diversified arts program for all students in kindergarten through 8th grade.  Students immerse themselves into various areas of the arts, not only through various 2 and 3 dimensional mediums but by investigating different careers in art such as architecture, fashion design, or illustration.  All students study multi-cultural art making from past to present techniques, including baking, jewelry design, weaving, clay modeling, yarn crafts, and paper mache` as a support in understanding color theory, perspective, texture and line studies.